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был 13 августа 2018 15:12
Рязань 360 / Видео / Transfiguration Cathedral. Panoramic video. Ryazan 360

Transfiguration Cathedral. Panoramic video. Ryazan 360

8 июля 2018 14:28

The Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral was built at the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries (consecrated in 1702) with the money of Ryazan merchant M. Nemchinov.
In the Soviet era, the Transfiguration Cathedral was transferred to the provincial museum, but for a long time it housed various institutions and services, until in 1962 it was transferred to the archives of the State Archives of the Ryazan Region.
In 2007 the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral was returned to the Transfiguration Monastery in Ryazan. The archives that were located in the cathedral actually left the building a year later.

 Good afternoon. My name is Burmakov Yuri. I'm doing panoramas and virtual tours. As this looks it is possible to look on a site http://ryazan360.ru Virtual round it is an excellent possibility to show an exclusive interior of your institution from within, to involve even more visitors.
