Турист Рязань 360 (Rjazan_360)
Рязань 360
был 13 августа 2018 15:12
Рязань 360 / Видео / The Cathedral belltower. View from the Kremlin shaft. Panoramic video 360.

The Cathedral belltower. View from the Kremlin shaft. Panoramic video 360.

8 июля 2018 14:32

Cathedral belltower - a monument of architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries, built in the style of classicism. Until now it remains one of the tallest buildings in the city and the Ryazan region.

The Kremlin hill is of natural origin, on two sides the two rivers - Trubezh and Lybid - encircle it. On the fourth side is a man-made dry ditch, dug by urban residents in the XIII century. The moat could be filled with water, and connect the two rivers, thus forming a continuous water ring around the hill. From the soil dug for the moat, the Kremlin shaft was built up. The modern length of the shaft: 290 meters, modern height: 18 meters from the outer bottom and 8 meters from the Verkhneilinskaya street near the Kremlin. Until the 18th century, at its top were defensive walls and towers.

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